Let's go ahead and call on my strength of Positivity {thank you StrengthFinder}, tell Wes to get out of our room, and look at some positives of today. Here we go:
1. Making it 3 miles of constant motion without throwing up or dying. Jennifer to the rescue again for suffering through the heat and humidity all while never making me feel pathetic as I stop and whine and start up again for 3 miles. It actually was kind of hilarious since there was an actual 5k happening at the park we were running at. I made us go the opposite direction as them because my runner's mental state could not have handled continually being passed by children. Running past them going the other way, totally different. Just go with it.
2. Getting to finally talk to my beautiful best friend Rachel, on the phone, not over voicemail, and with no kids screaming in the background! Don't tell her I had to mute the phone about 3 times to tell my kids to go play. She and her family are coming to see me this weekend! I can't even handle it! It has been over 2 years since I have seen Rach in the flesh. It's actually a soul crime for that to have happened. We have to make sure it can never be this way again! I did totally have that moment of, "oh my gosh, go get your house together" when we got off the phone. Not because Rachel would care, but more of "you're 32 now and should be able to maintain an organized home for crying out loud!" Right now all I have going on is basically a scene similar to this everywhere I turn... ughhh...
3. I got a big girl crock pot. (when was the actual moment that things like this became exciting?) And I even started pinning all kinds of healthy crock pot recipes on Pinterest. We all know how many things you make after you pin them. <insert wide eyed emoticon here> But I bought it because I actually really do want to use it, the one we got when we were married is too small, and this one makes me feel all homemakery. Obviously I will take a picture of my first crock pot meal like any blogger worth her salt would do. You just wait!
4. I recommitted myself to MyFitnessPal. Go ahead and find me on there so we can be fitnesspal friends {username: amandalovestx}. I was going to try and do Weight Watchers with the app until Rachel told me it was $20/month. And obviously if I'm patiently waiting on someone to give me a justifiable reason to join yoga for $100/month I can't possibly take that on. So I'm back on the MyFitnessPal train starting tomorrow... knowing full well that I'm eating at Frankie's for lunch and dreading having to log all of that. gulp.
Four positives is pretty good right? My top 5 strengths, by the way, are Empathy, Includer, Positivity, Developer, & Individualization. You should go buy the book on Amazon and take that test! It's pretty fascinating. It even tells you how to deal with people who have strengths like you. haha...
Ok. I'm going to go brush my teeth to tell myself I'm done eating for the day. I just ate a giant handfull of dark chocolate morsels from the freezer so hopefully it will mix with the sick mint toothpaste and taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream. I wish that wasn't a true story...
May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Reedemer. Psalm 19:14.
Lots and lots of love. <insert red heart emoticon here>
Lots and lots of love. <insert red heart emoticon here>
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