Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dadgum Notifications

These notifications are killing me. Shopping in Wal-Mart I get a MyFitnessPal and a Nike+ notification. Neither of them are every good things. Is there some app out there that can give me a notification of doing something right without me having to post something and get some feedback? (currently thinking this may have not been the most productive hormonal timeline to start this blog)

Thank you Nike+ app for reminding me that my 10k training program starts tomorrow with running 3 miles! If I actually pull this off by making it 3 miles of constant motion, I will seriously be the most excited person ever! EVER.

In an effort to maintain honesty with the internet, I would like to now confess that I did not begin MyFitnessPal today {hence the "would you like to log your food now?" notification} and no. I would not. Due to my numerous flaws, I really cannot have being a bold face liar be on my resume. So I'm telling you again. Trust can be earned. I will be logging my food in MyFitnessPal tomorrow. Furthermore, I will also be making healthy eating choices as well.

I can already feel like this is turning into one of those "all you talk about is food and working out and losing weight and blah blah blah" blogs. I am reaaaalllyyy hoping it doesn't end up that way. But my unfortunate but consistent food addictive personality comes with some much needed healthy safeguards and more importantly, accountability. Feel free to just skip over any of the food mumbo jumbo. I will also be responsible for keeping negative self talk in check. There is no reason to give evil shame a foothold in any of this. Some of you will never have to know the darkness that comes with hiding and shame about some sort of addiction. Praise Jesus. But for me, keeping it out in the light with honesty and transparency keeps me, helps me be able to claim victories in the name of Jesus and keep the monsters from growing in the dark.

Ok. So I'm making lunch in my new fancy crock pot. I need to remember to use the words "slow cooker" in my searches. Is that like a northern thing? I'm making "Slow Cooker (crock pot) Chicken, Sweet Potato, and Kale Stew." I had no yellow mustard, only dijon, so I hope those 2 teaspoons didn't jack the whole thing up. I also didn't have tomato paste so I basically blended some fire roasted tomatoes from a can and dumped them in. Surely that works! Ugh. And because I had thrown the whole new package of chicken in the freezer instead of putting them in smaller portions, I had to thaw it out enough, with hot water in the sink, to break it apart to use in the stew. All while my 15 month old is running around with a crayon in his mouth because somehow he always knows when I cannot possibly reach him to get it out of his mouth. heavens.

I'm still in the running for self appointed homemaker of the year. To be a homemaker do you have to be like a stay at home mom? I'm just using the term as someone who can keep their house together enough to be livable. That's our academic vocabulary for the day.

Although I have not done one single thing to the rooms I posted yesterday {I do believe I kicked some things out of the walkway at least} and I have actually contributed to some more messes, I really did get some much needed closet and drawer clean outs done in the boys' rooms. Walking down memory lane with all of Copeland's (my 15 month old) baby clothes just made my heart burst with love! Finding notes people had given me, written prayers for when Judah (my 4 1/2 year old) was a baby, and teeny tiny socks just almost gave me baby fever. {it's gone Wes.} sigh. I freaking love my kids. So the keep pile remained pretty small, donate pile pretty big, and throw out stained, ripped, and what the heck happened to this pile are ready to be taken care of. {notification: you are a beast Amanda! way to clean out the boys' closets while they are running and screaming and throwing your nicely folded stacks all over the room! you are impressive!}

My hard working, super cute husband was trying to get all of the grocery list with all 3 boys at the store. I texted him and asked him to get some single packet M&Ms so I could feel like an involved parent for Eli's (my 6 1/2 year old) 1st grade class. The request had been on the weekly newsletter twice for goodness sakes. I had to get some and save the day! Apparently the store was rearranging all the candy to bring in the Halloween stuff {seriously?} and Wes could only find the fun size versions of the big over $10 multipack of M&Ms including the dreaded peanut and peanut butter filled kinds. Obviously I could eat every single one of those without blinking an eye, but I (thankfully) do not have a peanut allergy. So while he gets an A for effort, they can't be taken to school, were out of our Dave Ramsey <insert smirk face emoticon here> budget anyways, and need to be returned. The whole point of the story is this was a week ago and we still haven't taken them back, but more importantly is that we have not opened them! Claim that victory! Even when I literally hear them call my name, I just look at them, remember that they were ten dollars of hard earned grocery budget money, and just yell at Wes to remember to take them back! <insert salsa dancing emoticon here!> 55 glorious fun size pieces still in.tact! {Wes!! Take those back!}

Per usual, I am just now catching up with the rest of the reading world and am finally going to read the raved reviewed by literally everyone, Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl. I'm kind of like a 17 year old girl mentally when it comes to books, so I'm a little nervous about the awareness that this isn't going to be a happy ending considering the previews of the movie trailers I've seen. First a big girl crock pot and now a big girl book. I'll let you know.

May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Reedemer. Psalm 19:14.

Lots and lots of love. <insert red heart emoticon here>

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